
このサイトについて(About this website)



 本サイトはPWA(Progressive Web Apps)に対応しています。Webブラウザの検索窓にあるアイコンからサイトをPC/タブレット/スマートフォンにダウンロードして、アプリのように扱うことができます。

This is a personal website (updated irregularly) to stock the knowledge and personal views of the author, who has adapted to the environment as a writer/editor/web director.

It is now updated mainly with information on XR (AR/VR/MR), but it is also for studying and researching WordPress and practicing SEO at the same time.

This site is compatible with PWA (Progressive Web Apps); you can download the site to your PC/tablet/smartphone from the icon in the search window of your web browser and use it like an app.

PWA: Webブラウザの検索窓からダウンロード(一部オフライン利用も可能に)

Google Chrome(PC版)
Microsoft Edge(PC版)